In recent years Black Friday & Cyber Monday sales have really taken off in the UK, and we know many online retailers and resellers are joining in this year and slashing prices for one day – or one weekend only.

Across the internet there’s going to be some amazing discounts to be grabbed, so with it fast approaching we’ve compiled the ultimate top tips for e-commerce success – without the stress.

And as a matter of fact, many of these helpful tips are not only relevant to these special dates but during any sale or online promotion.

As one of the leading corrugated cardboard box manufacturers in the UK, Boxed Up are passionate about helping online businesses brace the Black Friday and Cyber Monday bonanza.

So if you really want to increase your website sales, read on for 21 valuable insights…

#1 Have you got enough packaging to send out all the orders?

If you’re expecting an uplift in sales, it’s crucial to make sure you’ve enough boxes to get those orders to your customers promptly. Find the perfect box with our Box Finder.

#2 Think outside the box!

Excuse the pun but Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals don’t all have to be about knocking huge % off items, or using ‘loss leader’ promotions to bring in visitors which can be difficult, especially if you have low profit margins. Why not offer bundle deals, free coordinating accessories or free next day delivery.

#3 Can you handle increased demand?

Double check with suppliers and couriers that they’ll be able to cope with your projected sales, and ensure staffing levels are adequate. Bringing in lots of sales is fantastic but if you can’t fulfil these orders, you can bet those customers won’t be returning again and your brand’s reputation will be on the line.

#4 Have a retention plan!

How will you convert these Black Friday customers into year round customers? Beyond ensuring these customers receive excellent service, how do you plan to retain them or market to them in the future?

#5 Consider adding Live Chat to your website

For users new to your website this can make all the difference, as you can instantly answer queries about products, stock, delivery – anything which might otherwise be a roadblock to a sale.

#6 Send out emails ahead of the sale

Studies show the majority of shoppers hear about the best deals on Black Friday via email marketing. Get yours in potential customer’s inboxes early!

#7 Create a sense of urgency by adding a countdown timer to your website

This works during Black Friday as well as in the run up to build anticipation. Why not have a countdown to when the sale is starting, which then changes to countdown to when it’s ending? We have something similar for our delivery times.

#8 Offer a free, easy returns policy

Make sure it’s promoted/easy to find on your website. Users are much more likely to give in to that impulse buy if they know a return will be hassle free and not leave them out of pocket if they change their mind.

#9 Reward loyal customers

Black Friday isn’t just about attracting new customers, why not reward your existing client base by giving them early access to your deals, or exclusive discount codes?

#10 Encourage social sharing

Give customers the option to share their purchase on social media. People love to brag about a bargain & it’s free promo! #BlackFridayTips #Ecommerce

#11 Consider including gift cards/vouchers

Did you know 70% of people who receive a gift card spend more than the value on the card? Consider including gift cards in your Black Friday deals!

#12 Use optimum sized packaging

When slashing prices, protecting your profit margins is more important than ever. Minimise impact on margins by making sure you’re using the right size packaging – this will mean less waste, lower costs, and cheaper postage.

#13 Make sure your site can handle the traffic

Test your website to ensure it can handle the surge in traffic – the last thing you want is for your website to go offline, losing you potential sales.


Make sure you are tracking all your marketing efforts, all your traffic and sales. Gather as much data as you can including referral traffic from which social platforms or email campaigns- it will be priceless information when strategising for future sales.

#15 Double check your inventory

Double (and triple!) check your inventory to make sure you’re well stocked. One of the worst experiences a consumer could have is to make a purchase then be told it is actually out of stock.

#16 Grow your email list

Turn Black Friday customers into year round customers by connecting, building relationships and bringing by customers to your website. Follow up emails can be ‘thank you’ communication, review requests and relevant future offers.

Other ways to grow the email list include collecting emails with live chat, at checkout, using exit-intent popups and placing opt-in forms in the right places.

#17 Make sure service doesn’t suffer

Great offers might bring in sales, but it’s great customer service that will bring the customers back time and time again! Make sure your staff are prepared for the surge of orders and/or telephone calls if need be; the last thing you want are for phones to be unanswered because everyone is on lunch at the same time.

#18 Double check product information on your website

Check your product images, description, prices, links & promos to ensure all the information is present and correct. Leave no unanswered questions to maximise conversion rates.

#19 Reduce shopping basket abandonment

Did you know that the majority of people add products to a basket or shopping cart but don’t complete the purchase?

Reduce the abandonment rate and entice them to come back and finish the order with abandonment emails, making the checkout really simple and easy to use, use exit popups, offer price match guarantee as well as free shipping.

#20 Upsell and Cross Sell

Upselling is a great method of selling a superior or more expensive product to increase the AOV. You can do this by displaying a newer or better model on the same page. Cross-selling on the other hand is another fantastic way to increase AOV e.g. wallpaper, offer decor tools. So always feature a ‘You may also be interested in’ section on the product page.

#21 Generate more product reviews

Product or company reviews are extremely powerful for E-commerce platforms to increase conversion rate. Why? Customers trust reviews more than product descriptions.

So boost the trust signals of your website by asking customers to generate reviews; you’ll be surprised that most people will be happy to leave one if they are happy with their order and the customer service. There you have it- 21 top tips to increase your online sales this Black Friday.

* But before you go, don’t forget to fully stock up on all your packaging needs with our Pre-Black Friday Black Friday event! *

For one day only you can grab some amazing discounts across all our products from single and double wall boxes to postal boxes that are perfect for parcels and gifts.

Make sure you’re ready to deliver to your customers before the shipping process goes into a frenzy!